Jurassic Period; Age of Sauropods A A

The Brachiosaurus was a sauropod dinosaur that lived during the Jurassic period. It had a long neck and small head but was once thought to be the largest dinosaur. This Brachiosaur is the size of a 3 yrs. old and stands around 17 ft.

Gastroliths are stones that some dinosaurs including the Brachiosaurus, would keep in their gastrointestinal tract. They were used to grind food and make it easier for the creature to digest. Modern Crocodiles still use this method today.

This is a pine cone from the Jurassic period. This small pine cone gives scientists a large piece of evidence into what the world looked like during this period.

The Sauropod vertebrate bones come from southern Utah. The vertebrates here were cut in half to show the cellular structure of the vertebrate.

The Corprolite or “dinosaur poop” in the diorama was found near a brachiosaurus and the largest weighs around 37 ½ lbs. Analysis of the Corprolite reveals pine tree needles were part of the Brachiosaur diet.

This is a large femur bone that is over 5 ft long from a Diplodochus. A Diplodochus was a Sauropod
and very similar to the Brachiosaurus. By observing this large femur bone you can imagine the size of the
Diplodochus that it came from.

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