Strata Wall A A

Have you ever wondered how deep in the earth fossils can be found? The strata wall shows the different
layers of stratum that are represented throughout the earth’s history. Using it you can see just how far Paleontologists have to dig to find treasured fossils. The bottom layer consists of the oldest rock, Acosta Gneiss, which is 4.2 billion years old. Each period in history is illustrated up to the Cenozoic Period, 64 million years ago to present. You should notice that fossils found in each layer represent only the creatures and plant life that survived during that time period.

The museum has a wall that depicts the layers of strata from the oldest rock layer to the youngest.

Posted March 26, 2015
Categories: Current Exhibits, Exhibits

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Adults $8.00

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Monday: Closed
Tues. - Sat.: 10 AM to 6 PM
Sunday: 1 PM to 6 PM
Final Admission: 5 PM

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